10 Tips To Make Breastfeeding Easier

Breastfeeding can be learned. If the first few weeks are sometimes more difficult, the more you breastfeed, the easier it becomes – and enjoyable! Here are the 10 tips to remember to make breastfeeding easier.

Breastfeeding – Prenatal Information 

Of course, breastfeeding is natural: but it is nevertheless necessary to be prepared to do so. How? By informing you to get a good idea of what it is. Ask women around you who have breastfed about their own experiences. You can also call on a specialized organization, where you will easily find a charitable soul who will be happy to share his experience and some very useful tips!

Having your baby in skin-to-skin contact immediately at birth is beneficial for breastfeeding

Indeed, skin-to-skin contact encourages the awakening of your baby’s senses and makes him want to latch on, naturally, by instinct. But that’s not all: skin-to-skin contact has other beneficial effects! For example, it allows the baby to better retain his heat, which will calm him a lot when breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding – Offer the breast as soon as your baby starts to fetch it

Ideally, the breast is offered to the baby in its first hour of life, promoting a good start. Indeed, your infant’s reflexes are then more lively and he should be able to latch on fairly quickly. In addition, this very first feeding will be etched in your baby’s memory, which will have the effect of allowing him to start the movement again, if necessary.

Getting to know the signs of hunger and baby’s satisfaction when breastfeeding

Gradually, you will recognize your child’s signs of hunger. Indeed, when a baby is hungry, his breathing changes, he moves his eyes under his closed eyelids, moves his arms and legs, stretches, brings his hands to his mouth or face, and makes sucking movements, seeking to suck. Of course, if you don’t give him a drink right away, he’ll end up crying.

Some babies fall asleep while drinking: this does not necessarily mean that they have eaten enough, but rather that they are very comfortable, in your arms. Stimulate him a little, so that he continues to drink. This may prevent you from breastfeeding at very close intervals.

Breastfeeding as needed, depending on your baby’s hunger

Yes: frequent feedings stimulate milk production and reassure the baby, who is going through a period of intense adaptation. Remember that not all babies feed at the same frequency or take the same amount of time. While some are very gluttonous, others need to be encouraged or even stimulated to latch on: this is called breastfeeding when needed, and it is important to do this until the baby regains its birth weight. Then you can breastfeed on demand when he asks for a drink.

Cohabiting day and night with your baby is good for breastfeeding

Having your baby close even at night will allow you to respond more quickly to his needs, and also learn to better recognize them.

Make sure baby has a good latch and effective sucking when breastfeeding

A good latch is essential: this allows your baby to drink well while preventing you from suffering. Indeed, if the intake is not good, feedings could hurt your nipples. If feeding is uncomfortable, do not hesitate to ask for help. Breastfeeding should not be painful.

Avoid skipping feedings

And, in the same vein, avoid calming your baby with a pacifier or bottle before 4 or even 6 weeks. If you breastfeed exclusively, your milk supply will be much better.

In addition, bottle taking is very different from breastfeeding and this could interfere with breastfeeding and reduce your milk supply. Remember that it is quite normal for the newborn to often ask for the breast: in addition to feeding, it comforts him. The older he gets, the more time there will be between feedings.

Breastfeeding advice – Whom to turn to

It often feels like the woman is alone when she breastfeeds since no one can do it for her. However, it is essential to have help, but also moral support. Avoid isolation! And if your spouse works, or is not present during feedings, do not hesitate to contact help groups, or simply groups of women who have children your age. Good support and a listening ear make a big difference!

Trust yourself and enjoy the pleasure of being parents!

You will see: the more time passes, the more breastfeeding will become natural, and simple, and you will discover your breastfeeding tips. Enjoy this special moment with your baby and trust yourself. When in doubt, never forget that, despite appearances, you are not alone.

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