4 Tips To Calm A Crying Baby If Nothing Works

Nothing is more stressful and tiring for young parents than feeling helpless in the face of their child’s crying. And if it sometimes happens that it shows a health concern, the cause is usually simple and will require the patience and observation of the parents for a good understanding and calm the little one. Need to eat, desire to drink, dirty diaper, irritated buttocks, heat in the room… Baby has only one mode of communication to tell you: crying! Swaddling the baby, taking a car ride, swinging from one leg to the other, dancing a slow with his baby in his arms, etc. Parents then redouble their imagination to calm their baby. Discover tips to soothe a newborn when nothing works.

Basic Tips For Calming A Crying Baby

Several simple and well-known tricks can soothe crying. Here are some of them:

  • Doing skin-to-skin with your child by holding him against his heart will give him a feeling of security and tenderness. You can also wear it in a sling against you by ensuring the maintenance of its head for its comfort.
  • Massage his belly in circular movements to relieve his possible colic, common in toddlers.
  • Talk to him softly or sing him a lullaby: your voice reassures him.
  • Play music that you made her listen to during pregnancy or a soft and soothing sound. Babies are very receptive to surrounding sounds!
  • Bathing is very effective on little ones under three months, as it reminds them of amniotic fluid in utero.

Some parents also like to use a rocking chair to perform a soothing rocking. Breastfeeding a baby on a rocking chair also allows you to feed him while putting him to sleep!

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The Buddha’s Position

Some postures can relieve crying such as simply placing your child on your stomach on a firm surface to relieve digestive disorders. The position of the Buddha is very useful during the first months of the baby because it allows us to “contain” it. However, avoid overemphasizing if the position does not suit him because all babies react differently to manipulations! To achieve it, simply sit baby, legs bent, and put your hand on his chest to keep his head at chin level. Then lean it slightly and gently forward. You can strengthen the massage by making it make light movements back and forth.

A Pediatrician’s Tip To Calm A Baby’s Crying

Surely you have already seen on the Internet this technique popularized by Dr. Robert Hamilton, an American pediatrician. However, this method is highly appreciated and known among pediatricians around the world for babies in their first months of life. It consists of gently folding the baby’s arms over his torso by holding them with one hand. With the other hand, hold his buttocks and tilt baby forward, at about 45 °. With the hand holding her buttocks, gently wiggle her pelvis or make movements from bottom to top.

A Dad’s Unusual Trick

Parents often like to share their tips on social media to help others. This is for example the case of Daniel Eisenman, a father from California (United States) who found THE trick to calm his daughter. To do this, he is content to make the sound “Om”, the Sanskrit syllable from the Hindu religion that is supposed to represent the primordial sound of the universe. This sound widely used in meditation gives a kind of soft buzzing sound that calms the baby. Strange, but effective! Austin Miles Geter, another American father who takes care of his daughter, praises the gentle massage of the eyebrows several times on each side. Indeed, it promotes falling asleep and soothing by releasing oxytocin, the hormone of pleasure and well-being.

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