7 Tips For Living Well In The Postpartum Period

After childbirth, we go through a complicated period. Physical contact between mother and newborn is essential to building a strong bond. But that’s not all. How to live well during the postpartum period? What do mothers need?

Let us not forget that this is a delicate time. Indeed, the body is weakened and emotions generate an inner tsunami. That’s why the newest mom needs to express her needs and desires. Family members and friends should not ignore them.

In this article, we will give you all our tips to live well during the postpartum period. Pay attention to everything we are going to explain to you. All members of your new family are affected.

The Keys To Living Well In The Postpartum Period

  • Give the mother some privacy. It is even a necessity. His body has just undergone significant changes. She may still be in pain. Whether she gave birth by cesarean section or vaginally, she has sequelae, which is normal. In addition, from now on, she will breastfeed her child. You can probably wait a bit before you know the child who will share your life.
  • Offer the feeling of having her baby against her. The idea is that the mother can hold and feel the baby against her right after delivery so that the change is not too abrupt. The environment must be calm and tranquil. The baby must be able to recognize the smell and warmth of his mother. Hearing his mother’s heartbeat soothes him. As for the mother, she will be happy to discover her little body.
  • Let her rest. She has just made a great physical effort to give birth to her child. It is therefore necessary that she rests. After childbirth, young mothers are often exhausted. In addition, a newborn only sleeps intermittently for the first few days.
  • Do not hug the baby. Do this only if the parents ask or allow you to do so. This is especially important if you are a stranger to the baby. All kinds of questions and thoughts can go through the parents’ heads. Does this person have clean hands? Does it carry germs? Will it disturb the baby?

But also:

  • No impromptu visit. It is best to call before visiting the small family. Parents must be firm and their loved ones must be understanding. It is also better to avoid staying too long and making too much noise. Parents and the baby need calm and help.
  • Any help is welcome. If asked, there’s no harm in helping around the house by cooking or looking after big brothers and sisters. It should be noted that it is up to the parents to decide. Offering your help does not give you the right to do as you, please.
  • No untimely advice. A young mother is tired. She often has doubts and worries, not to mention her hormones that make the revolution. She needs advice from her pediatrician and health professionals. But if it’s not your job, she probably doesn’t want to listen to you. This is his moment and his child. What she experiences is unique. Allow her to do as she sees fit.

All young mothers are different. They do not have the same needs or the same desires. It also depends on their physical and mental state after childbirth. However, these few tips should be useful to you to better live the postpartum period.

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