Breastfeeding Benefits : Discover 9 Good Reasons To Breastfeed

At the time, pediatricians recommended a period of “4 to 6 months”, whereas now it is six firm months that we are talking about.

This is because breastfeeding benefits are accumulating and show that the longer the child is breastfed, the more protected he is against infections. Breast milk contains antibodies that help babies avoid and fight diseases.

Still, hesitating to breastfeed your baby? In this article, we will go around the main reasons why breastfeeding is so good!

A complete food

The formula may satisfy the baby’s hunger, but it does not stand in comparison with breast milk. To take a simple example that everyone can check for themselves: the difference between the stool of a breastfed baby and that of a baby who is given formula is striking in texture, color… And the quantity: the stool of the first is less abundant than the second because almost all the components of breast milk are used by the baby’s body, so there is not much left to eliminate. In the case of commercial milk, because its composition is chemical, the digestive system rejects much of it in the stool.

Healthy food par excellence

Breast milk is recognized throughout the world for its immune qualities. It contains antibodies that strengthen its immune system, which is very weak at birth. This does not mean that the baby will never be sick, but it will surely be sick less often and for less time than a baby who is not breastfed.

Always ready to be served

Breast milk is always fresh and at the right temperature, it has an ideal consistency, neither too thick nor too clear and it always contains the right amount of nutrients necessary for the baby’s development. Whether you’re at home or on the go, you don’t have to look far to feed it! Which, especially at night, is a considerable advantage.

Automatic process

You don’t have to do anything special to produce milk. Immediately after childbirth, the process starts naturally and from the first feeding, the body receives the signal to produce milk. The more frequent the feedings, the more milk the body will make. You can’t be out of stock when breastfeeding is regular.

Emotional rapprochement

It is also recognized that breastfeeding mothers develop a special intimate relationship with their babies. This does not mean that the non-breastfeeding mother does not love her child as much as the breastfeeding one, but the regular skin-to-skin contact, the mother’s body reacting to each feeding, the fact that mother and child are in repeated contact inevitably leads to a relationship of affection, calm and complicity between the two.

Economic food

Of course, breastfeeding is not only to save the cost of formula but it must be admitted that breastfeeding can make substantial savings.

Increased weight loss

Breastfeeding facilitates weight loss for the mother because it draws on the reserves of fat accumulated during pregnancy. When you breastfeed, you need to take in about 500 more calories per day, but the body burns 940 calories for every liter of milk it makes. Weight loss, about a kilo per month, will be slow, but continuous.

Health Care Savings

Since breastfed babies have fewer ear infections, colic, intestinal or respiratory problems because their immune systems are strengthened, the healthcare economy is real. It is even suggested that if 60% of babies were breastfed for three months, five million in medical costs would be saved. So if we continue for up to six months, we can easily imagine the effects on our health care system!

Global consequences

It is estimated that the global increase of just 8% in exclusive breastfeeding up to six months has prevented one million cases of infant mortality, reduced fertility problems by six hundred thousand cases, and saved countries billions of dollars of unnecessary formula.

To be honest, it should be emphasized that breastfeeding does not come without sacrifices. The mother has constantly solicited: breast milk is so easy to digest (about 1h30) that the breastfed baby will drink much more often than a baby who receives formula, on average every two to three hours, so eight to twelve times a day.

Mom sleeps less because she can hardly ask her dad to take over, not much alcohol, not too much coffee… In addition, it should be remembered that breastfed children should receive daily vitamin D supplements until their diet provides them with sufficient amounts.It is up to everyone to weigh the pros and cons, to evaluate their ability to live this involvement serenely, and to decide how long the adventure will last. If for all sorts of reasons you can’t do it and you’re stressed, you’ll pass on your nervousness to the baby who refuses to collaborate. But rest assured that all the breast milk you give your baby is worth its weight in gold that no pill or commercial milk can provide.

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