Snoring During Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

Although snoring is generally considered a benign condition, in some cases it is linked to significant pathologies, such as high blood pressure.

For some women, snoring during pregnancy can become a real nuisance. This affects them a lot, but not only: because snoring can also interfere with the quality of their partner’s sleep. Several reasons explain these annoying noises during pregnancy and this is precisely what we are going to talk about in this article.

This phenomenon is more common in the third trimester and, although it is not usually related to marked health problems, it is sometimes accompanied by other conditions that can decrease the quality of life or endanger maternal and fetal health.

What can cause snoring under normal conditions?

Snoring can be considered something common in adults. According to a publication by the National Library of Medicine of the United States of America, snoring occurs as a result of obstruction of air circulation in the airways.

This can greatly affect the quality of sleep of partners who, night after night, have to deal with insomnia caused by these annoying noises. For those who emit snoring, it can often go unnoticed and without additional symptoms. However, in some cases, an episode of obstructive sleep apnea may occur simultaneously.

Several causes can provoke snoring in adults. According to the aforementioned publication, being overweight, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates, and certain allergic or inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract can cause the corresponding symptoms.

What differentiates pregnant women from the rest of the population?

Pregnant women can snore in the same way as other adults and many of them suffer from this problem for several years before conception. When symptoms appear exclusively during pregnancy, it is probably due to the physiological changes that the mother’s body undergoes to allow the development of the future baby.

These include, of course, hormonal disruptions. This may promote changes in the activity of the blood vessels that line the surface of the upper airways. If these vessels dilate, that is, they increase in diameter, and the production and release of mucus in the area may be promoted.

This mechanism helps explain the nasal congestion that many women experience during the last trimester of pregnancy. In addition to being very uncomfortable daily, she can also do her own at night.

How long can these symptoms be present?

As we mentioned in the previous section, symptoms are usually limited to the last trimester of pregnancy. This does not mean that snoring cannot appear before or that it must disappear the same night as the baby is born.

As long as certain levels of female sex hormones remain in the blood, changes in the rest of the body may persist. This should usually not last longer than the first few weeks after the baby is born, a period known as the postpartum period.

Does snoring during pregnancy affect the baby’s growth?

In principle, the presence of occasional and light snoring should not affect the development of the future baby. However, it is important to know that snoring during pregnancy can make a woman more prone to potentially serious conditions that can affect intrauterine development.

We have already mentioned one of them: obstructive sleep apnea. In this case, the correct airflow during sleep is interrupted, which leads to immediate awakening, often accompanied by a feeling of panic. It should be noted that this condition is not exclusive to pregnancy as many adult men can also suffer from it.

The tendency to snore has also been linked to the development of hypertensive disorder during pregnancy. Although the exact mechanism by which this occurs is not yet known, several studies suggest that there is an association between the two conditions, highlighting the case of preeclampsia.

Does snoring during pregnancy have a treatment?

Although there is no definitive treatment for snoring, there are several steps that can be taken at home to prevent symptoms from appearing or worsening. According to a publication of the American Thoracic Society, some of them are:

  • Raise the head of the bed slightly.
  • Use common and safe methods to relieve nasal congestion, such as saline washing.
  • Take a short morning nap that does not exceed 30 minutes.
  • Do not sleep on your back.
  • Depending on weather conditions, having a humidifier in the room could help endure those rough nights.

Snoring during pregnancy is a common condition that can be managed

In the vast majority of cases, snoring during pregnancy is not a real problem. Unless it interferes with your or your partner’s quality of life, you may not even be aware of these symptoms.

However, when in doubt, it is always best to consult your GP, especially if you have alterations consistent with obstructive sleep apnea or high blood pressure.

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