The Ultimate Guide to Baby’s First Bath: Tips and Tricks for New Parents

Bathing the baby is not only a habit of hygiene but also a way to develop a bond with his parents. It is therefore important to take care of it from day one.

The skin of the newborn is delicate and very sensitive, as it still needs to strengthen. In addition to being the largest organ in the body, it performs vital functions for your baby, such as protection. For this reason, it is essential to ensure adequate care during the baby’s first bath.

Baby’s Skin During The First Bath

Indeed, skin maturation is a process that begins at birth and ends in the first year of life. Therefore, it is important to know that its structures and functions are not fully developed at the time of the first bath.

When Does It Make Sense To Bathe The Baby For The First Time?

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the baby should not be bathed in the first 24 hours of life.

Indeed, during this period, he needs to adapt to the external environment and stabilize his vital signs. Cooling caused by water will not only result in a drop in body temperature, but it can also alter one’s heart and breathing rate.

On the other hand, keeping the veneer caseosa intact provides additional protection for thin skin. It is therefore better not to remove it and let the baby’s body eliminate it spontaneously.

The purpose of the first bath is to clean unwanted fluids, such as meconium and blood. And at the same time provide adequate hydration to keep the skin intact. This will fulfill the function of protecting against the entry of microorganisms and regulating body temperature.

What Is Vernix Caseosa?

Vernix caseosa is a protective layer of the skin that develops during the last trimester of pregnancy. It consists mainly of water and, to a lesser extent, fats, proteins, and antimicrobial peptides.

Retaining vernix on the surface of the skin keeps it hydrated, with a lower pH and losing less heat after birth.

The Lanugo, The First Hair

Lanugo is a soft, fine, and pigment-free hair that occurs in newborns and certain specific pathologies. Its main function is to ensure the union between vernix caseosa and the baby’s skin. Therefore, once the vernix is removed, the lanugo will eventually fall off after a few days.

Hygiene Products For Baby’s Skin During Bathing

It is important to have the necessary elements for bathing the baby, such as soap, lotion, cream, or oil suitable for newborns. The use of perfumes directly on the skin is not recommended, as they can irritate.

You should also avoid all artificially manufactured substances that contain alcohol, preservatives, dyes, or perfumes. It is then preferable to opt for cosmetic products based on 100% natural ingredients.

It is also important that baby products have passed the necessary dermatological tests. To certify that none of their components irritate the baby’s skin or eyes.

Rinsing Of Cradle Cap And Scalp

Washing babies scalps is not necessary. It is therefore recommended to do this up to twice a week. It is important to use a hypoallergenic shampoo for this and perform gentle massages when rinsing hair.

For babies with cradle caps, hair, and scalp should be brushed gently. The use of sponges is not recommended, as they cause damage to the delicate skin of the baby.

Umbilical Cord Care During Bathing

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, bathing the baby should be done with damp cloths and without immersing him until the cord falls completely. This way, it is possible to keep the cord dry enough to avoid infection.

Although this is an option for the first days of life, it is not essential if the baby does not get dirty much.

It is important to avoid hygiene products that contain surfactants. Because in addition to removing dirt, they can damage the skin and irritate it.

Ideal Water Temperature

Babies skin is delicate and sensitive to various external factors. Therefore, the right water temperature should be between 34 and 37 degrees Celsius. Values lower than these can cause unwanted cooling or burns if they are higher.

It is recommended to measure the water temperature before placing the baby, as thermal injuries can occur in just a few seconds of contact.

Bath Duration

Baby’s skin during bathing becomes more vulnerable to environmental stresses, such as heat, cold, or contact with chemicals.

The baby’s skin barrier is immature, so short baths are advised. The ideal period is that they do not take more than 5 minutes and then resume direct contact with the parents.

Baby’s Skin During The First Bath And Its Sensory Function

The moment of the bath facilitates the bond between the baby and his caregivers. It also contributes to the development of different sensitive and emotional experiences that are very important for the newborn.

Finally, it is normal that at first, a certain nervousness arises in the parents, due to inexperience in handling the baby in the water. However, by taking all the necessary precautions, the bath will become a pleasant moment for everyone.

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