5 Home Remedies for Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common problem. Therefore, we are going to give you a series of home remedies that can help relieve the symptoms.

Heartburn is one of the most common digestive disorders during pregnancy. This disorder tends to exacerbate from the second trimester and can condition eating routines. Nevertheless, it is possible to apply a series of home remedies to relieve symptoms and achieve a better feeling of well-being.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that many changes occur during pregnancy. Thus, it is not uncommon to feel certain discomforts in different points and systems of the body. Fortunately, most of them are not serious. However, if they end up negatively conditioning lifestyle habits, a solution will have to be found.

Home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Here we will show you what are the best home remedies to put into practice to combat heartburn. Take notes and apply them to see relief in no time!

1. Improve Nutrition

There is evidence that eating trans fats, simple sugars, and irritating condiments could increase digestive discomfort. For this reason, during pregnancy, it will be necessary to bet on a diet based on fresh food. These contribute to much easier digestion, as long as they are subjected to low-fat and aggressive cooking processes.

Here you will find other tips that may interest you: Pregnancy aliments: how to soothe nausea and vomiting?

2. Sleep Slightly Inclined

Often, heartburn occurs with esophageal reflux. In this context, it may be difficult to sleep due to discomfort. To avoid such a situation, we recommend that you try to adopt a slightly inclined posture. This will ensure that the acid fails to pull up the tube, providing instant relief and improving sleep quality.

Here you will find other tips that may interest you: Snoring During Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

3. Drink A Glass Of Fresh Milk

Milk, in the medium term, could worsen the symptoms of heartburn, although it depends on the reasons that cause it. However, its timely consumption manages to significantly reduce discomfort. This is due, in part, to its basic nature, which neutralizes stomach acid. On the other hand, some of the proteins in this food can help relieve discomfort, as confirmed by a study published in the Nutrients journal.

Since heartburn is an acute process and usually does not become chronic, drinking milk to feel improvement has more benefits than risks. Of course, always try to drink it whole to enjoy all the vitamins it contains.

4. Avoid Soft Drinks

To experience an improvement in digestive symptoms, it is essential to avoid consuming soft drinks. Indeed, they can increase the production of acid in the stomach and cause discomfort in the intestine. In addition, they usually contain a large number of additives and simple sugars and are therefore not recommended for health at all.

5. Eat An Apple

The apple is one of the fruits indicated to neutralize stomach acids when they cause acute discomfort. This food has a series of fibers that help the bacteria in the microbiota survive in optimal conditions. It also has a positive impact on the functioning of the digestive tract. In addition, apples provide vitamins and antioxidants.

When to go to the doctor?

If heartburn is intense enough to limit well-being or condition routines, seeing a doctor may be a good idea. There are pharmacological treatments to combat this problem. This is not the most recommended solution because the drugs are not free of side effects, but sometimes there are no other alternatives.

Apply home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

As you have seen, there are several home remedies that you can apply during pregnancy to combat heartburn. This does not mean that they will be 100% effective, but in many cases, they will be able to provide significant relief. Thus, the feeling of well-being will increase.

Remember that the most normal thing is that heartburn disappears after childbirth. If this is not the case, you should consult your doctor to check that you do not have any dysfunctions that require special treatment. However, keep in mind that maintaining good lifestyle habits and a correct state of body composition will help reduce the incidence of these types of problems.

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