9 Common Pregnancy Complications You Should Know

Although every woman’s dream is to have a pregnancy without complications, this is not always the case.

Many different things can happen during pregnancy and lead to complications, ranging from minor pain to major medical complications.

Here are nine of the most common pregnancy complications women experience.

Sciatica And Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back and sciatic nerve is very common during pregnancy. It’s more of a nuisance than a complication.

Sciatica and lower back pain can last for months and cause severe pain.

Pregnant women experience sciatica and lower back pain during pregnancy due to the increase in the hormone relaxin.

Relaxin is a hormone your body produces in preparation for childbirth to help relax muscles and tendons.

Although women suffer from sciatica and lower back pain to varying degrees, they tend to worsen as the pregnancy progresses.

This is because the baby gets bigger and more relaxin is released as the due date approaches.

There are a few things you can do to help relieve sciatica and lower back pain.

Try to reduce stress as much as you can and maintain a good diet and exercise routine.

You can also use hot and cold packs to relieve pain or use a pregnancy pillow. If you sit often during the day, try using an ergonomic seat cushion to relieve back pain.

The good news is that after giving birth, most of the pain should go away.

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