4 Natural Remedies To Regain A Good Hormonal Balance Postpartum

The hormonal drop in postpartum is a problem that concerns us all but that we do not anticipate. Yet the consequences of a hormonal imbalance after childbirth can be numerous: disrupted cycles, acne, hair loss, low libido, and even postpartum depression, Discover in this article 4 natural remedies to find a good hormonal balance after your delivery.

After nine months rather harmonious (at the level of hormones anyway!), childbirth again disrupts our hormonal balance. Estrogen and progesterone, at the top for nine months, will drop sharply.

You will also have to deal with a drop in estradiol and cortisol levels and a significant increase in prolactin levels at the time of the milk rise.

In short, a real roller coaster, which can go very well and cause you no particular concern. But also be at the origin of the baby blues, low libido, sometimes significant hair loss, hormonal acne, and irregular or very abundant cycles …

As a bonus, there is fatigue, the stress of childbirth and returning, not always well prepared, at home. All these upheavals may be normal, and natural… They are no less painful to bear and they must not be allowed to settle.

For this, I have four natural solutions to advise you. 

And I start with two plants “allies of women” because I have just finished a 15-day cure in the form of phytostandardized extracts (EPS) and I was amazed by their effectiveness. 

Your Ally Just After Giving Birth: The Lady’s Mantle

Thanks to its exceptional richness in tannins, Alchemilla or lady’s mantle has a tonic effect on the entire female reproductive system.

In particular, it will help to constrict the blood vessels in the uterine area to regulate bleeding, but also tone the tissues of the uterus (mucous membranes, tendons, ligaments), to prevent organ descent problems.

It is advisable to drink alchemilla infusions for six weeks after childbirth, at the rate of 3-5 cups per day. Put 1 teaspoon of dried plants in 1 cup of hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes. 

Yarrow: Starting 6 Weeks After Childbirth

Because it rebalances hormones and decongests the uterus thanks to the flavonoids it contains, yarrow will help you find harmonious cycles, regulate postpartum bleeding (lochia) and prevent the risk of uterine infection and postpartum hemorrhage. 

Yarrow also has an action on the liver, responsible for recycling estrogen. When produced in excess, these hormones are responsible for irregular menstrual cycles, painful or heavy periods, premenstrual symptoms, fibroids, and ovarian cysts.

Take as an infusion (2 cups per day away from meals), not before 6 weeks after your delivery. Be careful because yarrow is not recommended during breastfeeding.

Homeopathy To Get You Back Right After Childbirth

To gently recover from the physical and psychological trauma of childbirth, you can take a dose of Arnica 15 CH as soon as the placenta is expelled, then 3 granules of Arnica 9 CH three times a day for 8 days.

To reduce the baby blues and the risk of postpartum depression, Sepia 30 CH, the anti-gloom drug, is used 48 hours after delivery, then at a rate of 1 dose per week for 1 month.

And to regulate hormonal variations, Folliculinum in 7 or 9 CH is the appropriate remedy. 

A Cure Of Omega 3 To Prevent Postpartum Depression

As you probably know, the most serious consequence of the sharp drop in pregnancy hormones is postpartum depression.

It affects 15 to 20% of women in the first year of their children and requires psychiatric care and appropriate treatment to avoid longer-term consequences.

Several studies have shown that omega-3 deficiency leads to a higher risk of postpartum depression and that the higher the level of EPA and DHA in a woman with depression, the faster the recovery.

To increase this rate, simply eat small fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies) 3 times a week or do a cure of Omega-3 capsules, to start on the 1st day of delivery or back home. 

Sources :

(1) Şeker Karatoprak G, İlgün S, Koşar M. Phenolic Composition, Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. Chem Biodivers. 2017 Sep;14(9). doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201700150. Epub 2017 Aug 20. PMID: 28502116.

(2) European Medecine Agency – Science Medicines Health. Herbal medicine for human use. Achillea millefolium L., herba.

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