Beauty During Pregnancy: 10 Safe Beauty Treatments for Pregnant Women

It is important to provide the necessary care for your body, both for the pregnant woman and for the baby. Find out which beauty treatments are the safest here.

Most women have an established beauty routine that they would like to continue during pregnancy. In this sense, there are many safe beauty treatments and others that must be adapted to be. Below, we detail some of the safest treatments to add to care and beauty routines during pregnancy.

These beauty treatments are safe for pregnant women

According to a publication by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, during pregnancy, the skin undergoes significant changes that make it more sensitive and delicate. Therefore, some aesthetic processes are not recommended during this period. We tell you which ones are the safest.

1. Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage reduces the volume of the lower extremities in pregnant women. Edema is common during pregnancy and the main treatment option is the use of elastic stockings, although they are not always well tolerated.

2. Relaxing massages

Massage is one of the treatments considered safe during pregnancy. It is enough to adjust the position on the massage table as the pregnancy progresses. It is even thought that women who receive massages experience a decrease in depression, anxiety, and pain in the legs and back. In addition, cortisol levels, excessive fetal activity, and the rate of prematurity decrease.

3. Pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is advised during pregnancy because the baby is in an area where it compresses the vena cava and slows blood flow to the lower extremities. Thus, as blood circulates more slowly, there is a greater predisposition to have varicose veins, heavy legs, and swollen feet.

In any case, pressotherapy is not recommended for the first 12 weeks and the frequency of sessions should be decided by the specialist.

4. Nourishing masks

Several moisturizing face masks rely on collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to moisturize and cleanse the skin. After cleansing the skin, a good option is to place a face mask to complete the procedure with proper nutrition of the skin surface.

5. Gentle peels

Although acid peels are not recommended (chemical peels), you can opt for the use of micro granule creams. This option is less aggressive than acids or diamond-tipped microdermabrasion. Indeed, during the pregnancy phase, the skin is more sensitive and more predisposed to generate residual spots.

6. Creams to prevent stretch marks

One of the great strategies to prevent stretch marks is the daily and constant application of emollients on the skin of the whole body. In addition to drinking plenty of water, moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, and allantoin can improve skin hydration and moisture.

7. Facial cleansing

Facial cleanses are not a concern as long as the safety of the products and methods used is confirmed. In addition, the skin is very sensitive during pregnancy, the most intense and invasive treatments should be postponed until after the due date.

8. Antioxidants for topical use

Topical antioxidants boost the immune system and prevent free radicals in the body. One of the best-known and most used is vitamin C, which safely improves skin vitality, maintains collagen and protects against damage. Other safe antioxidants to use during pregnancy include:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Green tea.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin B3.

9. Sunscreen, is one of the safest beauty treatments for pregnant women

Sunscreen is as important during pregnancy as it is at any other time in life. The benefits of skin cancer prevention are clear and proven. It also helps prevent skin spots due to sun exposure and the greater susceptibility to hyperpigmented lesions during this period, such as chloasma.

10. High frequency

The high frequency generates a greater blood supply and enriches the surface of the skin with oxygen. In addition, it provides important effects:

  • Decongestants.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Tissue stimulant.

The high frequency even reduces redness and inflammation and has a bactericidal action. It is therefore an excellent indication for cases of rosacea.

Safe beauty care for pregnant women and medical consultation

Although these beauty treatments can be done safely during pregnancy, you should always consult a specialist doctor to be able to dispel any doubts or concerns. Trained and capable staff are needed to indicate the most appropriate and timely treatment.

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