
Breastfeeding in public tips

Breastfeeding in Public – Tips for Moms

You may have heard of this movement supported by more than 2.5 million moms on social media. Despite recent incidents, it is within your rights to feed your child while you are in a public place such as a park, shopping mall, or restaurant. Breastfeeding is often done on demand, so it is the baby ... Read more

Breastfeeding pillow

Breastfeeding After C-Section

Any pregnant woman should inquire beforehand about breastfeeding in case of a c-section, because it may be necessary in case of complications at the time of delivery, so you might as well prepare for this eventuality to put all the chances on your side and succeed in your breastfeeding project. What Are The Main Difficulties ... Read more

Importance of iodine during breastfeeding

Benefits Of Iodine During Breastfeeding

If you thought iodine was important during pregnancy, know that it is also important during breastfeeding. We tell you more about it below. During pregnancy, you probably had to supplement with vitamins that your gynecologist prescribed to provide iodine and folic acid supplement to your body. Iodine plays a major role during breastfeeding as it ... Read more

Proven Tricks to Calm a Crying Baby

4 Tips To Calm A Crying Baby If Nothing Works

Nothing is more stressful and tiring for young parents than feeling helpless in the face of their child’s crying. And if it sometimes happens that it shows a health concern, the cause is usually simple and will require the patience and observation of the parents for a good understanding and calm the little one. Need ... Read more

Discover the key steps to achieving hormonal balance postpartum for new mothers.

4 Natural Remedies To Regain A Good Hormonal Balance Postpartum

The hormonal drop in postpartum is a problem that concerns us all but that we do not anticipate. Yet the consequences of a hormonal imbalance after childbirth can be numerous: disrupted cycles, acne, hair loss, low libido, and even postpartum depression, Discover in this article 4 natural remedies to find a good hormonal balance after ... Read more

Tips to prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy

13 Tips To Avoid Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy

To live your pregnancy serenely and avoid a difficult delivery, it is recommended not to gain too much weight. But how do you get there and what are the secrets to maintaining a healthy weight? Cynthia Becker, dietician nutritionist, looked into the subject. Weight gain during pregnancy is a source of stress for mothers-to-be. The ... Read more

Pregnancy complications, High risk pregnancy complications

9 Common Pregnancy Complications You Should Know

Although every woman’s dream is to have a pregnancy without complications, this is not always the case. Many different things can happen during pregnancy and lead to complications, ranging from minor pain to major medical complications. Here are nine of the most common pregnancy complications women experience. Sciatica And Lower Back Pain Pain in the ... Read more

Home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

5 Home Remedies for Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common problem. Therefore, we are going to give you a series of home remedies that can help relieve the symptoms. Heartburn is one of the most common digestive disorders during pregnancy. This disorder tends to exacerbate from the second trimester and can condition eating routines. Nevertheless, it is possible to ... Read more

Breastfeeding Problems

10 Transient Breastfeeding Problems

Many of the problems that interfere with breastfeeding have an effective solutions. Here are 10 that may make breastfeeding more difficult in the short or medium term, but are not inevitable. A Long Birth At birth, when contractions have lasted several hours and the baby is exhausted, he may want to rest before drinking. That ... Read more

easy postpartum period

7 Tips For Living Well In The Postpartum Period

After childbirth, we go through a complicated period. Physical contact between mother and newborn is essential to building a strong bond. But that’s not all. How to live well during the postpartum period? What do mothers need? Let us not forget that this is a delicate time. Indeed, the body is weakened and emotions generate ... Read more