Pregnancy guide: good practices for Pregnant women

Learning that you are pregnant also raises a lot of questions, and sometimes stress… We have written a guide for your pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage of life, but also a source of stress and complications (varicose veins, hemorrhoids, weight gain …)

We are not all equal when it comes to pregnancy, some live it better than others. In any case, we have written a 6-point guide to making your pregnancy go as smoothly as possible!


You know, I am not teaching you anything, a human being must drink 1.5 liters of water a day. However, for a pregnant woman, this is not entirely true. We advise you to drink more water, the body needs it. This will serve as a prevention for possible urinary tract infections as well as constipation (which can lead to hemorrhoids).

My little tip for women who have trouble drinking water: take infusions (preferably ginger, which reduces nausea).

Products to be banned during pregnancy

Alcohol and tobacco are to be banned completely. As you surely know there are many risks for the fetus (malformation, intrauterine growth retardation, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, obstetric accidents, disability …). But beware also of passive smoking too often forgotten!

Caffeine and theine are also products to be banned. In large quantities the risks of fetal heart rhythm disorders are present! If you can not do without these substances be sure not to exceed 3 cups (or 1.5 liters of coca for example).


Good hygiene is essential during pregnancy, both for you and your child.

Be sure to wash your hands well when you touch animals, go to the toilet, or come into contact with soil or sand (in themselves gestures of daily life but essential during pregnancy).

Clean your fruits and vegetables with vinegar to eliminate as many bacteria as possible.

Plan for nap beaches regularly.

The hormonal modification weakens the teeth and gums because the body draws on the calcium present in the teeth for the development of the child (risk of inflamed gums, pain, loosening of the teeth, cavities …) so keep good dental hygiene and especially consult your dentist.


First of all, the myth of weight-taking is to be banished. A pregnant woman gains between 8 and 12 kg during her pregnancy. But I see a lot of women taking more. It’s just that there is to let go, which is dangerous for your health (especially for the back that does not support this sudden weight gain).

To fight against cravings I invite you to divide your meals, that is to say, eat the same amount but in 5 meals a day instead of 3.  It is of course necessary to eat balanced (and varied to avoid deficiencies).

Foods rich in fiber will allow you to limit the risk of constipation and therefore hemorrhoids.

Raw meat and fish must be banned. I do not recommend blood sausage, charcuterie…

Finally, eat slowly, chewing each food well to reduce gastric reflux.

Learn more about nutrition during pregnancy here : Pregnancy ailments: how to soothe nausea and vomiting?

Physical activity

Once again, pregnancy is not a laughing matter, so let’s get moving!

Practicing physical activity increases your well-being, regulates intestinal transit (again avoids constipation and hemorrhoids), regulates appetite (and weight), reduces fatigue and insomnia, and reduces back pain. Then? Motivated? 

The activities to be preferred are yoga, walking, swimming, aqua-gym, dance, exercise bike …

But we must stop risky activities such as skiing, combat sports, horseback riding, skydiving, scuba diving, and team sports…

Childbirth is sporty, so you might as well put your body in training now!

Sexual relations

Speaking of physical activity… Sex is generally allowed! 

Depending on the period of pregnancy you may want less, but maybe much more. Unless contraindicated by a health professional (often due to blood or amniotic fluid loss, cracking of the water bag, or a placenta too low …), sex is safe, it can be practiced!

What to do in case of hemorrhoids?

That’s a great question! Not everything that is medicated is advised at all during pregnancy! So it is better to turn to natural treatments.

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